Instagram: nathelieyeng

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

STON: Paradigm Mall

哈囖盆友们~ 在还未去台北之前,先来一篇小小的更新吧~
宣布一下,这星期五我将会和姐姐到台北5天4夜,等等……………… 不要太想念我啊!!
我们到那边3天上课 (算是business talk 吧), 2天到处玩玩而已,听说会到周杰伦的那个拍《不能说的秘密》的地点享用午茶,我的天,我真的很迫不及待。我说万一、万一我遇到周杰伦,我就真的死而无憾了!!哇哈哈哈……………………………*白日梦终止!

OK,话归正传,那天我和四个死党,曾在六月的其中一篇介绍过,但成员有缺少了,所以这一次是圆圆的我们哦!*圆圆代表round in a circle,没有缺任何一人哦!
那天放着Raya holiday,所以全部人都特别有空,就约在一起吃早茶,逛街。我们四个一起走街可是多年前的事了,那天我们终于聚在一块儿了 *心情可是非常期待的说……
在没有目标的情况下,我们选择了新开的广场,位于Kelana Jaya的Paradigm Mall走走。
Paradigm Mall比较多Restaurant/Cafe,可能这就是比较吸引人的地方吧~ 博客们都纷纷把Paradigm Mall内的好料介绍在各自的部落格中,所幸我常常都到处潜水,所以在哪里的好料我都略懂一二~
Paradigm Mall,我们到了!!
我们四个在Paradigm mall一直逛街,让两个陪男实在……
他们两个是我的哥哥~ 左边的呢,是Tens,右边的是哥哥,Saw~
还记得从几年前的我们,血拼时,他们都是充当佣人的角色呢! *提背包,战利品等等…
我们一来就AIM住了糖伯府,其实我们要order榴莲飘香,但因缺货,我们唯有选择其他的…… *吃不到他们家著名的甜品,实在心有不甘。 我们选择了蜜瓜巧克力的西米露和番石榴不懂什么名称的,也不错吃哦! 
结果在回家时,竟然忘了车泊在何处,竟然傻傻找了整个小时,parking很不通风的说,差点让我们几个缺氧晕倒呢! 那边的parking真的很乱很乱很够力乱! 盆友们一定要切记把车泊在的柱子拍照起来哦!



Thursday, August 2, 2012

The passing July

Hey guys, I am BACK. So sorry for the long gone after my last post till this as now only I be able to blog. I have soooo much to share with y'all!!

Last Saturday(21st July) I went to PD with friends. I'm sorry bloggers, I really wish to be in shape with blogger to somewhere for vacation or explorer but I was failed to make it,several times.... Well, I went to PD Permaisuri Resort come with Groupon promoting RM288 for 3 beds room,which is a WOW for us because the low price of it. Never think twice nor thrice, just shoot,BUY NOW.
After few minutes consider of member of the gang, I regred. I thought people will be free on the month July till Aug but I made big mistake, which is Aug is the month of Ghost for chinese, we don't go anywhere near beach or far far away. So end up decided to go before July ending soon, the same gang as Melacca's. But there is a little waste of the rooms,we only 2 pairs of couple so another one just leave it for no one. This time I came with my dearest, Matthew, the very first time vacation together even thought we knew each other for a couple years. But I do think it is great, which is a chance for us to understand each other more thru this out. Something broke this trip damnly, the gloomy sky, thunder night, and raining heavily cause all of us can't have some outdoor activity, pised! You can take a look of the video how scary when you standing to the corridor and face the sea like this...

But still, we still enjoyed the trip because we still got to touch the sea water on Saturday before the rain came. We took a lot of pictures, but I guess some of you already have a look of it. 
So we are here gamble all the time, but that's fun, I earn few ringgit pocket money $$

we doesn't have a group picture but 3 of us look great,right?
she is the girlfriend of me :)
Nononononono, it's not ending yet! FYI, my mom went sick after my Pd trip. :( She have the problem of uterus, it cause her period with non stopping. Blood seriously lost control and that's trouble her for a few months. She decided to go on surgery to cut off the problem cause at Gleneagle, then that's the wordy part. After surgery, she got lack of blood due to previous blood lost sickly. My mama is really painful after it since she is already in age 50+, but still suffer of it. I company her all the way but just feeling helpless to consult her to calm down of the painess. Throughout these 3 days (I on my leave for 3 days) , I was company by the bed side just in case she needed anything I could help. I even feed her drinks time by time. The second day I was overnight in the hospital for her, I can't forget how cold, how hard to fall asleep on a woody chair, YES, it is HARD enough for me to sleep on it. T.T 12am I fall asleep, 1am I'm awake, 2am I'm awake and so on awake continuously.... Day 2, she is good enough to open her mouth to speak, working out some hand exercise... 
she is happy when received the bouquet of flower from her sister in Shah Alam.

Day 3, she is feeling much more better as I did update my facebook with some pictures of her and ready to discharge as well. 

 Mom, I wish you could get well soon, leave sickness behind. Be strong & strong forever. I couldn't bear to see you suffer of the moment, and what is exactly is..... I DON'T WANT TO DO HOUSEWORK ANYMORE!! muahahaha... Just kidding.

July gone, Aug came.
Be good,everyone :-)